Wednesday, November 4, 2009 | | 0 comments

5 Foods to Boost Good Cholesterol

This article lists 5 basic foods that can potentially boost your good cholesterol levels. These foods are inexpensive and can be found at any local grocery store.

HDL stands for high density lipoproteins and is often referred to as "good" cholesterol. These proteins transport cholesterol in the blood. If your levels are too high, your risk of heart disease decreases, and likewise, if your levels are low, you risk increases.

There are certain foods that can have a positive effect on your HDL levels. Dark chocolate, salmon, berries, eggs and whole grains are five food items that can help you boost your good cholesterol levels.

A study conducted at Sinai Hospital in Baltimore, suggests that eating dark chocolate (the gourmet kind that is 70% cacao) can raise your HDL levels significantly. Eating small daily doses (1/2 ounce) over an extended period of time should help raise your good cholesterol.

According to a Loma Linda University study in California, high density lipoprotein levels rose 4 percent in people who ate two 4-ounce servings of salmon a week for four weeks. Researchers also say that eating other fatty fish, such as, mackerel, herring and sardines should deliver similar benefits.

Eating berries, especially the darker varieties, seem to also help raise HDL levels. It doesn't matter if the berries are fresh or frozen. Eat about a cup of frozen berries a day to crank your levels higher.

Healthy adults who ate a whole egg every day for 12 weeks increased HDL levels as much as 48 percent in a study from Thailand. Eggs are rich in lecithin, which raises your lipoprotein levels.

Don't forget to eat some fiber on a daily basis as well. Eating oats, whole grain and oat bran can also to raise HDL levels.

These foods provide you with a natural way to increase HDL levels. If however your HDL level is very low and your family has a history of heart disease, your doctor might suggest medication as well as improving your diet.

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Natural Omega 3 - Lowering Cholesterol & Heart Disease Risk Without a Sweat

Why do you need natural omega3 in your body? This is because these fatty acids are essential for the development and function of the brain.

They have the ability to lower down your triglyceride levels, so you don't have to be prone to cardiovascular diseases.

Moreover, they possess therapeutic effects, which help people who are suffering from depression and bipolar disorders to recover quickly.

The question now is this: where can you find natural omega3? Surprisingly, you actually do have plenty of sources:

Fish. One of the best sources for natural omega3 is the fish. However, not all fish species seem to contain a high level of essential oil.

Usually, cold water types such as mackerel, herring, salmon, and sardines, to name a few, possess a high-grade fish oil, which means it's highly enriched with three essential types of fatty acids known as EPA, DHA, and ALA.

If you are fond of tuna, then most definitely you are also taking in DHA in your body, though their oil contains this fatty acid in much lesser amount compared to the previously mentioned species.

The fish actually do not produce these fatty acids all on their own. You can blame their diet. As you know, fish would usually dine on plankton and algae. On the other hand, they can also feast on "food" that could have high level of mercury, lead, and other toxins.

This is why you should be careful of the types of fish that you're currently eating. A type of fish called kopi would be a lot better choice since they normally live far at the bottom of the sea, where the waters are a lot purer.

Meat. This will definitely be great news to the carnivore. You really don't have to ditch meat in favor of seafood just to introduce omega3 fatty acids into your body. Beef and chicken can be excellent sources of natural omega3.

Nevertheless, there are certain considerations that you have to think about when buying meat. One of them is the type of food they ate. It turns out that those cows that dine on grass contain more omega3 fatty acids than those that feed on grains.

Meanwhile, chickens that ate canola and flaxseeds are enriched with these important fatty acids. After all, flaxseed oil possesses high levels of DHA and EPA.

What if you don't eat meat or fish? What if you're a vegetarian? You also have an option too. You just need to look for an omega3 supplement that contains 100 percent pure fish oil in every gel or capsule.

To find out why the health benefits of fish oil exceed any other health supplement in the world, click here.

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Heart Disease Prevention - The Three Most Important Things You Can Do

There is a lot of talk these days about cardiovascular disease and being heart healthy. That's not surprising, considering that cardiovascular disease is still the number one preventable cause of death, and results in serious loss of function, lifestyle and well-being for many others. Surgeries and treatments to correct problems after they have developed have saved many lives, but what if we worked at preventing these ailments in the first place? Would that not be a better alternative to waiting until we are seriously ill? What is the best way to stay "heart healthy"?

Most often, people do not realize the daily damage their bodies are receiving because it may not be obvious on the outside until late in the game. Some signs can be measured, like blood pressure or pulse, or stress test results can give indications that we are not up to snuff, but unless you make a point of checking these things regularly how would you know? I am fortunate to have access to many of these things at my workplace, but unless there has been a diagnosed problem already, I know of very few people who equip themselves with blood pressure cuffs or who even check in at the free ones located at many pharmacies. Many people have no idea of what their normal blood pressure or resting heart rate is. Unless something happens that undeniably shows a big problem exists, we remain unaware we are heading for trouble. I don't suggest that everyone turn into obsessive worry warts, but making changes in eating habits and exercise/activity levels are number one on the list.

Our bodies are fabulous, complex machines, that, when properly cared for, are capable of dealing with most foreign invaders and repairs, including cardiovascular. Feeding the body for cardiovascular health in particular involves inclusion of foods that are minimally processed, low in sugar, low in low density lipoproteins (LDL), contain adequate amounts of omega-3 fatty acids (virgin olive oil is good), and diets that are generally plant based. Trans fats are to be avoided wherever possible (check food labels), opt for low fat versions of dairy products including cheese, avoid fried foods (yes, those tasty french fries are loaded with bad fats), and eat foods high in antioxidant levels, particularly blueberries and related berries, raspberries, strawberries and the latest high-antioxidant find, the acai berry (similar looking to a blueberry or huckleberry). Another compound that has been found to have exceptional heart health properties is resveratrol, found in red wines.

Regular aerobic exercise is also necessary to maintain proper cardiovascular health. This type of exercise works the heart and lungs to strengthen them, making them more efficient at delivering oxygenated blood and fuel to the rest of the body. It involves raising the pulse and respiratory rates to a conditioning degree for 20 minutes or more for a minimum of three times a week. This can be done by exercising on treadmills, stationary bikes, going out for brisk walks, running, bicycling at a steady pace, swimming plus a multitude of other activities that get the blood and heart pumping. So choose an activity that you enjoy, then get out there and do it. Thinking about it doesn't make it happen. If you need motivation, try a group activity. If you like music, try dance (bellydancing is a wonderful confidence booster and great fun!). If you find exercise boring or distasteful, it's probably because you are doing something you don't enjoy much. However, if you just plain hate to exert yourself, then you have to make a choice between sedentary living and good health, simple as that.

Another controllable risk factor for heart disease is smoking. If you smoke, quit as soon as possible. The smoke contains solid particles that clog the lungs, toxins that poison the body and cause cancer, and nicotine that causes vasoconstriction, raising blood pressure almost immediately. Nicotine is highly addictive physically and psychologically, so it is a tough habit to break. There are aids to help decrease cravings and withdrawal symptoms from nicotine, some available by prescription, other are over the counter. Smoking is particularly destructive for diabetics due to its vasoconstrictive effects in limbs where diabetics already have compromised circulation. It can result in ulcerations from poor healing and hasten the need for limb amputations. High blood pressure makes the heart work just that much harder to maintain normal circulation.

If everyone did nothing else to improve their health status except clean up their diets, exercise more and stop smoking, we would see a huge decrease in the cardiovascular disease rates that we currently suffer from. Many would not develop problems at all, while others would have much milder degrees of illness. It could prevent future need for attachment to oxygen tanks, machines to help one breathe, or inability to participate in daily activities. If you don't think this is important, then spend some time with those who suffer these ailments caused by heart or CV disease. You just might change your mind.

At Mountainviewhealth you will be able to find what you need to reach your health and fitness goals. We offer a broad range of products from skin care to nutritional supplements to stop smoking aids. With twenty years experience in the health field, we are offering the finest natural products available anywhere. We also offer health and fitness tips, videos and articles.

Visit our products section and Health Buy store at

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Cholesterol - Don't Panic Just Yet - You Can Have Complete Control Over Your Cholesterol

Did you know that the study of cholesterol is actually a relatively recent idea? Cholesterol is a natural function of the human body and a 1951 government study illustrates just how it affects us today.

That study was conducted in Korea by pathologists sent from the Pentagon and revealed astonishing results to the medical community of that time. They autopsied 2,000 soldiers that had lost their lives during the war effort, finding that over ¾ of their artery walls were covered with yellow deposits of atherosclerotic plaque.

Now normally no one under 35 dies of coronary heart disease, don't forget this study was done in 1951!

Needless to say, these soldiers had an average age of 21, obviously challenging the assumption that such artery clogging deposits were only prevalent in older men.

Understandably, the medical community was shocked by the results of the army pathologists. This study gave doctors a much more specific idea of how early the process of heart disease could begin.

Once more extensive research was done; the term cholesterol was founded as the major contributor to the buildup of plaque and risk of heart disease. Using this research, it has been shown through more recent studies that there is a 2 percent decrease in the risk of a heart attack for every 1 percent drop in cholesterol levels in the human body.

After this study and many others, the risk of cholesterol related heart diseases has exploded! In 2002 alone, around 1/3 of American adults have been told to seek medical advice after discovering they had high blood cholesterol levels, and the numbers are only growing.

Don't panic just yet; the good news is you can have complete control over this problem!

It is possible to master this problem yourself and that puts the power back in your hand so you can live a healthy lifestyle. Take a closer look at cholesterol, its causes, and effects and what you can do to reverse the negative impact it can have on your personal health.

Randy has been writing articles for a short time and enjoys health and diet. He truly believes in the saying "You Are What You Eat". Com-mon, lets face it, you can't put sand into your gas tank and expect your car to drive down the road now can you? Reading and now writing about health and diet is an ever growing passion and something he practices himself. If you like crafts check out his latest websites at rubber stamps crafts collecting decorative rubber stamps can be very addictive.

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LDL Cholesterol - What is Low Density Lipoprotein?

LDL cholesterol stands for low-density lipoprotein, which is a form of lipoprotein that moves triglycerides and cholesterol to peripheral tissues, from the liver. It is at times given the nickname of "bad cholesterol." High levels of LDL may direct the view of a patient's medical condition to an underlying disease, in some cases cardiovascular issues.

Along with this form, there are four others to make a total of five kinds of lipoproteins: chylomicrons, high-density lipoprotein (HDL), intermediate-density lipoprotein (IDL), and very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL). All lipoproteins, including low-density lipoprotein, can be used to move fat and cholesterol through the bloodstream by its water-based solution.

As cholesterol is considered a "silent killer," some people with high LDL may have no apparent symptoms, despite the elevated levels. Xanthelasma, in which cholesterol collects below the skin, may be noticed in some individuals with this condition. They are similar to yellow in color, and often show up near the eyelids. Even with these, however, elevated LDL cholesterol may not be the underlying medical cause, as other issues could also have brought on the xanthelasma in the patient.

Different cases and patients may call for different treatment methods. A change to a specific diet is one possibility, however, even that diet itself may vary in one situation as compared to another one. Physical activity is sometimes recommended. Although it actually has little effect on the levels of LDL cholesterol in the individual, it is still useful for means such as attaining better insulin sensitivity, reducing triglycerides, and reaching other heart benefits.

To read additional details about LDL Cholesterol, including symptoms, medical causes, diagnosis, treatment, and general details, visit LDL Cholesterol.

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EECP - Enhanced External Counterpulsation

EECP is an enhanced external counterpulsation. It is cost effective, non invasive, non surgical, non pharmaceutical, out patient therapy for Angina, Heart attack and heart failure patients. It is FDA (USA) and NHS (UK) approved.

How is EECP Performed?

During EECP Patient lies on bed of machine. Three or five electrodes are applied to the chest to record a constant ECG.

A Plethysmograph is applied to index finger to record a tracing that represents blood pressure and oxygen saturation.

Set of 3-4 cuffs is wrapped around the calves, thighs and buttocks. EECP system uses an ECG signal to electronically synchronize inflation and deflation of the cuffs.

What is duration of treatment?

Duration for chronic angina and heart failure patients is 35 hours usually one hour per day, five days a week. Some patients choose a 2-hour per day regimen, which reduces the time of completion of treatment. The duration of treatment and interval of rest will depend on the patient's condition, how much diastolic augmentation is obtained, tolerance of patient and the indications for application of EECP.

What is Mechanism of EECP?

Clinical studies indicate that EECP treatment may create a 'natural' bypass of blocked arteries. There are basically two mechanisms involved in this therapy. When we produce diastolic augmentation, this results in opening of lot of inactive blood vessels in heart which helps in bypass the blocked channels. Moreover, this treatment encourages blood vessels to form new small vessels i.e colletrals. These channels or collaterals may eventually become permanent pathways to the heart muscle that was previously deprived of blood flow and adequate oxygen.

What are indications of EECP?

Angina patients who are not relieved by medicine, patients who dont want to have bypass surgery, patients who are contraindicated for bypass or angioplasty like kidney failure, liver failure, severe COPD cases, Diffuse diabetes disease, very old age, patients of Syndrome X, i.e microvessel disease, ischaemic and dilated cardiomyopathy patients all can go for EECP.

What are contraindications of EECP?

Severe aortic regurgitation and aortic stenosis, deep vein thrombosis, pregnancy, very high blood pressure and severe peripheral vascular disease are contraindications for EECP

Side Effects of EECP

EECP has no side effects except little skin bruises specially when patient is not wearing proper skin pants during treatment. In contrast to angioplasty or bypass, it is completely safe procedure with no major risk to patient.

Benefits to the patient

After EECP, patient can walk longer distance without feeling chest pain or breathlessness. Patient's quality of life improves remarkably. He can take part in daily activities. Above all, patients medicine also decreases, there is less need to take sub lingual nitrates. After treatment heart failure patients don't have to take high quantity of diuretics.

EECP results verification.

Before and after treatment we perform ECG, Echocardiography, TMT test and Stress thallium scan. All these tests verify the results of EECP. In ECG there is mark decrease in ST segment depression or other ischaemic changes, there is increase in Ejection fraction in Echo, TMT test shows that patient can walk longer distance without chest pain, and stress thallium test also shows that there is less or no more ischaemia in heart.

What is Cost of EECP?

The charge for EECP is approximately one third that of angioplasty and one sixth the cost of coronary artery bypass surgery. In Pakistan EECP charges are US $ 2400 at Dr. Armughan EECP heart Clinic Sialkot.

Insurance & Medicare Coverage

In USA, over 120 insurers are covering EECP. EECP has been covered locally by Paramount, John Hancock, Senior Sense, Paramount Elite, Workman's Comp, HMO Health Ohio, Messa, Acordia, Access, Envirosource, EV Benefits, First Health, Harrington Benefits, Fortis, Gallagher Benefits, NGS American, United Health Care, Health Alliance Plan, Medical Mutual, Anthem, most Blue Cross/Blue Shield plans, Aetna, Family Health Plan,and Fountainhead. Pre-authorization is required for FHP, Paramount, Senior Sense, Paramount Elite, and HMO Health Ohio patients. Medicare and Medicaid cover EECP in patients with class 3 or class 4 angina (chest Pain) who are not good candidates for bypass surgery (CABG)

For more detail, testimonials of EECP and video on EECP please visit EECP

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Foods High in Cholesterol - Their Effects on the Onset of Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular diseases is one of the leading cause of mortality nowadays. But the question is what are the causes of this disease? What are the predisposing factors and the possible results if cardiovascular problems will not be avoided as early as we can?

Is it true that foods high in cholesterol is the number one source of fats that contribute in having cardiovascular diseases? Are there any procedures that we can perform to measure our body cholesterol so that we can be aware if we are at risk in having different kinds of diseases, especially cardiovascular diseases? There are different types of cardiovascular disease,such as: Aneurysm,Angina,

Atherosclerosis, Cerebrovascular Accident (Stroke), Cerebrovascular disease, Congestive Heart Failure, Coronary Artery Disease, Myocardial infarction (Heart Attack),Peripheral vascular disease.

What causes those diseases? beside from hereditary, age,our diet plays a big role in preventing or having this kind of disease. Yes our diet or the foods that we eat in our daily life.

Are you a kind of person who usually eat foods high in cholesterol? well be careful because you might be at risk in having cardiovascular disease. yes, that's right, cholesterol is one of the major factor that causing this disease.

What is cholesterol? what are the foods high in cholesterol and what are low? which is good the LDL( low density lipiprotein) or the HDL (high density lipoproteine) ? and how does cholesterol affect our body?

The Cholesterol is a lipidic, waxy steroid that can be found in the cell membranes and transported in the blood plasma of all animals.

It is an essential component of mammalian cell membranes, where it is required to establish proper membrane permeability and fluidity.

If cholesterol is one of the essential component of our body why it cause problems like cardiovascular disease? The fats that enter our body cannot be dissolved in our watery blood, so the action of our liver is to package them into cholesterol-rich fay balls with an outer protein layer known as lipoproteins.

There are two types of cholesterol in our body, the LDL and the HDL. The Low density lipoproteins, is known as the "bad cholesterol". LDLs are produced by our liver and carry cholesterol and other lipids (fats) from the liver to different areas of the body, like muscles, tissues, organs, and the heart. Always remember that it is very important to keep LDL levels low, because high levels of LDL indicate that there is much more cholesterol in the blood stream than necessary, therefore increasing your risk of heart disease.

While the High density lipoprotein, also known as HDL, is considered the "good" cholesterol. HDL is produced by the liver to carry cholesterol and other lipids (fats) from tissues and organs back to the liver for recycling or degradation. High levels of HDL are a good indicator of a healthy heart, because less cholesterol is available in your blood to attach to blood vessels and cause plaque formation.

So it means that LDL are those foods high in cholesterol that can leads to cardiovascular disease. Here are the list of foods high in cholesterol that you should avoid so that you will not develop any cardiovascular diseases.

Foods High in Saturated Fat: Found mainly in animal products, saturated fats increase the LDL levels. For people suffering from heart diseases, it is usually recommended that people limit their intake of saturated fat to 7 percent to 10 percent, of their diet.

Food Portion Cholesterol Saturated Fat

Eggs 1 212 mg. 2 mg.
Butter 1 tsp. 11 mg. 3 mg.
Whole Milk 1 Cup 33 mg. 5 mg.
Low-Fat Milk 1 Cup 10 mg. 2 mg.
Lean Ground Beef 3.5 oz. 78 mg. 7 mg.
Beef 3.5 oz. 89 mg. 5 mg.
Beef Liver 3.5 oz. 389 mg 2 mg
Cheddar Cheese 1 oz. 30 mg. 6 mg.
Pork Chop 3.5 oz. 85 mg. 10 mg.
Pork Tenderloin 3.5 oz. 79 mg. 2 mg.
Chicken (skinless) 3.5 oz. 85 mg. 1 mg.

Live healthy, avoid eating foods high in cholesterol( high in saturated fats) it will help us not to develop any cardiovascular diseases. We need also to be aware of our body cholesterol by means of visiting our doctor and performing blood test.

Here is a guideline that will serve as your basis to determine if you have high or low cholesterol in your body.

Total Cholesterol

Desirable Less than 200 mg/dL* (5.2 mmol/L)
Borderline high 200-239 mg/dL (5.2-6.1 mmol/L)
High 240 mg/dL (6.2 mmol/L) and above
Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL)
Optimal Less than 100 mg/dL (2.6 mmol/L)
Near or above optimal 100-129 mg/dL (2.6-3.3 mmol/L)
Borderline high 130-159 mg/dL (3.3-4.0 mmol/L)
High 160-189 mg/dL (4.0-4.8 mmol/L)
Very high 190 mg/dL (4.9 mmol/L)and above
High Density Lipoprotein (HDL)
Desirable 60 mg/dL (1.5 mmol/L) and above
Normal 40-59 mg/dL (1.0-1.5 mmol/L)
Low Less than 40 mg/dL (1.0 mmol/L)

Stop the high incidence of cardiovascular diseases, act now AVOID EATING FOODS HIGH IN CHOLESTEROL, and live happy and healthy the rest of your life.

James Arkwright is an acknowledged expert in the field of Heart Health. He focuses especially on the effects of cholesterol on diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system including high blood pressure, strokes, coronary heart disease and heart attacks. For more information please visit

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Can You Really Clear Clogged Arteries With Fish Oil?

It seems too good to be true: you can actually clear out your clogged arteries and protect yourself from cardiovascular disease just by incorporating certain types of fish into your diet.

It is great news for health conscious people and those already suffering from cardiovascular issues around the world. However, most people including many researchers find this simple solution hard to believe, or do not understand why it is not more common knowledge.

As a result, many people neglect this incredibly easy protective measure and suffer serious and even fatal consequences over time as a result.

Omega 3 is a fatty acid that is found in fatty game fish like salmon and sardines. It inhibits the formation of plaques and blood clots in arteries as well as helping control cholesterol - all serious contributors to heart disease.

In fact, omega 3 can even help people who have already suffered heart attacks by increasing their cardiovascular resistance to repeated episodes and helping to fortify weakened areas of the cardiovascular system.

As good as this all sounds, however, it is important to make sure that you are getting the right amounts and types of omega 3. Some types of omega 3 actually do nothing more than make you belch, smell fishy or feel nauseous, while others are extremely active in keeping you healthy and balancing out your diet and nutritional intake to help you meet optimum levels and ratios of essential nutrients.

As a result, while eating tuna melts for lunch every day may sound delicious, it is not the best way to get your omega 3.

Instead, you should consult your doctor about taking an omega 3 fish oil supplement to help your heart. Even better, supplements that are made with fish oil, such as Omega III Salmon Oil Plus, are engineered for maximum effectiveness as well as tested to make sure that there are no traces of mercury or other toxins often found (in FDA-approved levels!) in the fish most often recommended for omega 3 consumption: tuna and mackerel.

Salmon Oil Plus has a zero-tolerance policy for contaminants and is endorsed by representatives of the World Health Organization and the American College of Toxicology, making it ideal for people who are truly interested in maintaining and fortifying all aspects of their health and well being.

Over the past 25 years, Michael Byrd has helped thousands of people all around the world to look younger, feel better and have more natural energy. Trained as a Physical Therapist, he discovered how to use special omega 3 formulas and other nutrients to easily create optimum nutrition and health for his clients. To get your free educational CD, visit his site at

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The Truth About Tuna

Just ask the American Heart Association tuna is great for you! In fact, it's so great, that the AHA recommends that adults eat at least two servings of tuna each week in order to promote heart health and resilience to cardiovascular disease, stroke and high blood pressure.

However, before you head out to stock up on cans of tuna, let's reexamine that direction:

The AHA recommends that adults eat at least two servings of tuna each week. That's right. Kids are nowhere to be found, even though starting healthy eating habits early can lead to your children experiencing far better health as an adult.

So why aren't the little ones also included in this recommendation. Is it because their heart health is not important, or that they naturally have healthy hearts? Absolutely not. In fact, most studies show that children who get enough omega 3 the fatty acid that makes tuna so good for you in the first place have dramatically better heart health and memory function than those who either do not start getting sufficient omega 3 until they are adults or never get sufficient levels at all.

So why are we leaving kids out of the tuna equation? The answer is simple, and in fact if you have ever been pregnant or had a pregnant spouse, you probably already know the answer.

Tuna is allowed by the FDA to contain low levels of mercury and other heavy metals that can be toxic. Over time, these contaminants can build up in the body and literally begin to poison you. The FDA believes that low levels of these pollutants will not affect adult health (a questionable assumption in itself!) but that they may negatively impact children's health.

As a result, pregnant women are encouraged to abandon tuna and other game fish like mackerel and swordfish for the duration of their pregnancy, and parents are discouraged from feeding their kids tuna on a regular basis.

However, if tuna is a potential threat to our health, then how are we supposed to get that omega 3 that research so clearly indicates we need?

The solution is simple, and a whole lot more effective than trying to determine just how many pounds of fish you need to eat each day to get the right amount of omega 3. By taking a simple salmon oil omega 3 supplement, you eliminate the toxin issues while also getting the right dose of omega 3 immediately every day.

Look for a supplement that's certified toxin-free and contains salmon raised in pure waters like those of the Artic Circle. In this way, you and your children will be able to get all the omega 3 you need to live optimally healthy lives without having to deal with the potential perils of excessive tuna consumption.

Over the past 25 years, Michael Byrd has helped thousands of people all around the world to look younger, feel better and have more natural energy. Trained as a Physical Therapist, he discovered how to use special omega 3 formulas and other nutrients to easily create optimum nutrition and health for his clients. To get your free educational CD, visit his site at

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Five Ways to Lower Your Cholesterol

Year after year, studies have shown that cardiovascular disease continues to be the number one cause of death in the United States. The World Health Organization counts heart disease as the leading cause of death in high income countries. In lower income nations, heart disease is one of the top 5 causes of mortality. What is sad about this is that cardiovascular disease is highly preventable!

The American Heart Association (AHA) defines cholesterol as 'a soft, waxy substance found among the lipids (fats) in the bloodstream and in all your body's cells. It is an important part of a healthy body because it is used to form cell membranes, some hormones and is needed for other functions.' Since cholesterol and other types of fats cannot be dissolved in the blood, lipoproteins come in as special transporters of cholesterol to and from cells. The two main lipoproteins in the body are LDL and HDL.

HDL or high-density lipoprotein is the good cholesterol while LDL or low-density lipoprotein is considered the bad cholesterol. A high concentration of LDL in the blood stream increases your risk for heart disease. HDL is the lipoprotein that collects and transports cholesterol away from the arteries to the liver. It protects the heart from the bad effects of LDL. So ideally, what you want to do when you say lower your cholesterol level is: Increase the level of HDL and lower the amount of LDL concentration in your blood stream.

How to Lower Cholesterol Levels - Five Ways

1. Eat healthier. It is time to stop overeating and supersizing! There are foods that contain high levels of cholesterol like eggs, certain meats, shellfish, and dairy products. Opt for healthy meals that incorporate more natural ingredients like fruits, vegetables, nuts and beans that contribute to a higher HDL. Embrace garlic, which aids in lowering cholesterol and the risk of heart disease. Eat more heart healthy fishes with Omega-3 fatty acids and lean meats from poultry. Avoid excessive intake of animal fats from that juicy steak or pork chop. Choose cooking methods that limit the use of trans fat. Olive and canola oil are better alternatives to other cooking oils. Too much sodium and sugar is not good for your heart as well.

2. Get physical. Exercise is not only for those who want to lose weight. It is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. If you don't like going to the gym, find a physical activity that you enjoy. Walking is one of the best forms of exercise. If you enjoy dancing, that's great too! Frequent aerobic activities have proven to be one of the best ways of raising HDL levels and controls weight gain. Exercising lowers your blood pressure as well as diminishes stress. Remember, you don't have to be overweight to have high levels of bad cholesterol.

3. Ban the smokes. The surgeon general has consistently reminded everyone that smoking is hazardous to everyone's health, not only to smokers. Research has shown that tobacco can reduce HDL levels in the body. Smoking also introduces free radicals into the bloodstream which encourages plaque formation and heart attacks. So drop that butt now!

4. Drink sensibly. It is no myth that limiting your alcohol consumption lowers your LDL. But not all alcohol is bad. Some studies have shown that red wine contains the antioxidant resveratrol credited for lowering risks for heart disease. Whether this is true or not, the whole idea is to limit alcohol intake, if you want to maintain a healthy heart.

5. Extra help. You can lower your bad cholesterol levels by eating natural foods and exercising. Increase your intake of fiber by taking either soluble or non-soluble fiber supplements. Fiber is known as nature's broom that cleans our system of fats.

Remember: before starting any drastic form of dietary changes or physical activity, it is best to consult your doctor so you can be safely on the right track.

Cardiovascular disease may be one of the leading causes of death in the world but it is also one of the simplest to prevent. Maintain a healthy heart lifestyle, avoid stress and see your doctor regularly. Love your heart now!

About the Author:
Tim Lazaro is an enthusiast of lowering cholesterol with natural foods and exercise. Visit Ways to Lower Your Cholesterol for more expert advice on the many ways to lower your cholesterol with natural foods and exercises. While you are there, download 'Five Secrets to Lower Your Cholesterol', a FREE eBook.

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