Why do you need natural omega3 in your body? This is because these fatty acids are essential for the development and function of the brain.
They have the ability to lower down your triglyceride levels, so you don't have to be prone to cardiovascular diseases.
Moreover, they possess therapeutic effects, which help people who are suffering from depression and bipolar disorders to recover quickly.
The question now is this: where can you find natural omega3? Surprisingly, you actually do have plenty of sources:
Fish. One of the best sources for natural omega3 is the fish. However, not all fish species seem to contain a high level of essential oil.
Usually, cold water types such as mackerel, herring, salmon, and sardines, to name a few, possess a high-grade fish oil, which means it's highly enriched with three essential types of fatty acids known as EPA, DHA, and ALA.
If you are fond of tuna, then most definitely you are also taking in DHA in your body, though their oil contains this fatty acid in much lesser amount compared to the previously mentioned species.
The fish actually do not produce these fatty acids all on their own. You can blame their diet. As you know, fish would usually dine on plankton and algae. On the other hand, they can also feast on "food" that could have high level of mercury, lead, and other toxins.
This is why you should be careful of the types of fish that you're currently eating. A type of fish called kopi would be a lot better choice since they normally live far at the bottom of the sea, where the waters are a lot purer.
Meat. This will definitely be great news to the carnivore. You really don't have to ditch meat in favor of seafood just to introduce omega3 fatty acids into your body. Beef and chicken can be excellent sources of natural omega3.
Nevertheless, there are certain considerations that you have to think about when buying meat. One of them is the type of food they ate. It turns out that those cows that dine on grass contain more omega3 fatty acids than those that feed on grains.
Meanwhile, chickens that ate canola and flaxseeds are enriched with these important fatty acids. After all, flaxseed oil possesses high levels of DHA and EPA.
What if you don't eat meat or fish? What if you're a vegetarian? You also have an option too. You just need to look for an omega3 supplement that contains 100 percent pure fish oil in every gel or capsule.
To find out why the health benefits of fish oil exceed any other health supplement in the world, click here.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_Cassell
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